led office lighting

LED lights for offices

Offices that are brilliantly lighted with LED lighting will boost both aesthetics and staff productivity and well-being. In general, the workplace environment is undergoing a continuous transformation from a traditional arrangement to one that is supported by modern technology for lighting and logistics.

Dimly illuminated office spaces are giving way to more open, brilliantly lighted settings that are more suited for product invention and sales, as more businesses switch to LED office lighting.

While such lighting can be advantageous in terms of energy savings and increased brightness, you may find the procedure of selecting and installing LED lights to be difficult.

If you want to enhance your employees' working conditions by integrating LED lighting but aren't sure where to start, try partnering with Green Hype. Our energy experts have vast expertise designing energy-efficient office buildings and have assisted businesses just like yours in making the shift to the future.

Picking the Correct LED Lighting for Your Office

LED lighting has gradually eclipsed traditional lighting in business areas over the years, being favoured as the more efficient and environmentally friendly choice.

Worldwide, office buildings are now adopting this trend by investing in LED lighting rather than traditional lighting fixtures. If you wish to join this trend by reserving your office space for this transition, the following information is important to keep in mind.

What exactly is an LED?

LED is an abbreviation for Light Emitting Diode; it is a type of semiconductor that emits light when it comes into contact with an electric current. LED lights have microchips and a variety of light-conducting sources that enable them to perform properly.

Each workplace space is distinct, with common spaces, open cubicles, offices, and conference rooms, each requiring a distinct sort of lighting. When it comes to installing LED lighting in your workplace space, it's important to be informed of the numerous alternatives available. You may, however, avoid conducting this research by asking us to do it for you.

Types of LED lighting

  • Basic LED bulbs — Resembling traditional bulbs in appearance, basic LED bulbs are the most common type of LED bulb.
  • LED tubes — Designed to increase light output, these tubes are gradually displacing fluorescent tubes in workplace areas.
  • Panel light — A flat, panel-style LED light that is frequently used in big office environments.
  • Globe light bulbs – Created to fit into unique installations, this bulb is highly attractive and resembles the standard LED bulb in certain ways.
  • Candle bulbs — Typically used in chandeliers and ornamental lamps, the candle bulb is shaped like a slender flame.
  • Smart lights — Connected to and controlled by smartphones, smart bulbs are ideal for large places such as auditoriums and conference rooms.
  • Colored LED lights - While LEDs were initially only available in a restricted palette of colours, they can today be obtained in virtually any hue desired.
  • Dimmable LED lighting - Lighting an office area effectively requires an awareness of how to combine bright and low lights. LEDs are also available in dimmable varieties. Alternatively, you may use standard LED lights that are dimmable using bespoke dimmable switches.

Other than the type of LED lighting, while determining how to illuminate your workplace area, you must also consider the brightness and light distribution patterns.

How bright should the lights in my office be?

When determining the brightness of your office lighting, you must consider the employee experience. Employees may experience eye strain, weariness, and headaches as a result of too bright or dark lighting. This, in turn, might have an effect on your employees' productivity, ultimately affecting your business.

Your lighting choices will also have an impact on presentations, board meetings, product demonstrations, conference calls, and client meetings, among other events. Essentially, each space serves a distinct purpose and hence requires a distinct style of lighting.

Green Hype's lighting specialists and energy consultants collaborate to conduct an assessment of your office space and develop the optimal lighting plan for your specific configuration.

There are various elements to consider when determining the brightness of your LED lights. The following is a brief list of them:

Whether or not you intend to acquire task lighting - if you intend to supplement your overhead or wall lighting with desk lighting, your overhead or wall lighting may be less bright.

Direct or indirect lighting - If the lights are fixed in such a way that they do not fall directly on workstations or the projection wall, you can pick brighter lighting alternatives. However, if the lighting is intended to be direct, it is advisable to select for less bright choices. In any case, you may select brighter choices by using custom-fit dimming switches to select the appropriate setting for the scenario.

Which colours are used on the walls – If your walls are light in colour, they will reflect your LED lights more effectively. Thus, lighter walls need less intense illumination.

How large the bulbs are – If the fixtures are more compact, you may want stronger bulbs to compensate for the reduced illumination.
How much natural light is accessible in the neighbourhood - If a space has a plenty of natural light, it may not require several bright lights.

Which design of light dispersion should we use?

The patterns of light distribution in a workstation are significant since they determine the room's brightness and visibility. Choosing the right light distribution pattern for your office space is crucial, since it may have a significant impact on your employees' productivity and in-office experience.

Properly illuminated workplace environments also foster employee passion and drive. Thus, how does one choose the optimal pattern of light distribution?

Indoors, lights with beam widths of 30 degrees flood, 270 degrees omnidirectional flood, or 8 degrees spots are frequently selected. The intensity of the illumination controls which surfaces the light illuminates.

A light with a 40-degree angle cannot be used to pinpoint a surface 30 feet away. When deciding where to instal the lights in your workplace area, you must consider the lighting capability.

Additionally, the pattern of light dispersion is determined by the size of the bulbs you choose. If the bulbs are smaller, you may pick a more dense pattern of light distribution to keep your workplace area well-lit. If the bulbs are bigger or in panel shape, the distribution can be less dense, since each bulb can illuminate a broader area of a space.

As with the bulb's size and degree of light flood, you should consider the bulb's illumination intensity while determining the pattern of your light distribution.

Green Hype's lighting professionals are skilled in analysing office environments and recommending the optimal office lighting solutions for your specific workstation.

What spacing should be used for the fixtures?

The spacing of your fixtures is crucial, since too tight spacing might result in overlap and excessive brightness, resulting in headaches and eye difficulties for personnel.

If fixtures are spaced too widely apart, shadow patches might form, causing similar eye strain and issues. To determine the optimal spacing between lighting fixtures in an office environment, bear the preceding points in mind.

There is a time-tested method for determining the optimal spacing between lighting fixtures. Green Hype 's lighting professionals utilise this approach to determine the optimal placement of your lights.

After conducting a complete assessment of your workspace, our lighting specialists determine how to arrange your lighting fixtures based on your focal point, office design, and intended functionality. This procedure is carried out in such a way that you avoid the repercussions of too bright illumination, shadow patches, and blind corners.

Why choosing LED lighting in your working space is the smart choice?

Electricity expenses are an inescapable overhead expenditure for office facility managers and business owners. This expense climbs even further during the winter, when employees want additional lighting and temperature control.

These energy expenses can be reduced if staff are encouraged to turn off laptops and lights when not in use. However, for significant energy savings, you must consider more drastic solutions such as replacing standard lighting in office buildings with energy-efficient lighting.

There are several advantages to LED workplace lighting. Here is a concise list of reasons to pick them.

  • Cost reductions — LED lights consume up to 75% less energy and last 20-25 years. This might result in considerable savings on your energy and office logistical costs.
  • Superior performance - LED lights are claimed to be more natural and healthful since they closely mimic sunshine. Additionally, these lights are often brighter than ordinary illumination.
  • Environmentally friendly - LED lights are more easily recycled than incandescent bulbs. Additionally, they do not release CFLs that deplete the earth's ozone layer.

Why should you partner with Green Hype?

Green Hype is committed to supporting you in creating energy-efficient office buildings by replacing incandescent lighting with LED office lighting. We seek to change your workplace with our lighting and energy-saving skills through rigors lighting audits, lengthy planning, and flawless implementation.

If you are ready to change your office into an energy-efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly environment, give us a call on  0452 293 933 to discuss your office lighting project with one of our lighting specialists.